Spicer on Refugees: Trump’s ‘Number One Goal’ is to Protect Americans First

ashley.rae | June 20, 2017

During a press conference on Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about President Trump’s views on refugees in light of World Refugee Day.

Spicer was asked, “Today is World Refugee Day. Does the president feel that refugees are a threat to American security?”

“I think the first and foremost thing the president is concerned about, obviously, you take an area like Syria for example, he’s been very focused on trying to get countries to agree and to work together on creating safe zones, because refugees, for the most part, in a lot of areas, would rather be in their country where they’re from safely, have a place to raise their family and not be settled,” Spicer responded.

“That’s our number one goal for them in those cases,” Spicer continued. “But number two, I think the president’s also been clear: his number one goal as commander-in-chief is to protect our country, our homeland, and our people. And that he needs to make sure that people coming into this country are doing so through peaceful means. And so his number one priority, as the number one priority of any leader is, is to protect their people first and foremost.”

“But then obviously, as we look throughout the globe that find areas and regions that need support, we’ve tried to work through diplomatic and economic channels to create solutions,” he ended.

The Trump administration has come under fire for his ban on Syrian refugees that opponents have broadly categorized as a blanket "Muslim ban."

Spicer’s description of Trump’s view of refugees mirrors his “American first” attitude in regards to foreign policy.

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