Steinle Killer's Attorney Screams Racism, Says 'Immigration Status' Had 'No Relevance' to Case

Nick Kangadis | December 1, 2017

If you’re upset with the “not guilty” verdict in the Kate Steinle murder case in which defendant Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was acquitted of killing the 32-year-old innocent woman, you might be a racist, according to Garcia Zarate’s defense attorney Francisco Ugarte.

Here’s what Ugarte told the media after the verdict was announced:

I believe today is a vindication for the rights of immigrants. That today we have to reflect, all of us, on how we talked about this case in the beginning, and how this swarm of reflection and reaction on the base of, what I believe to be, the racial dynamics of this case. Nothing about Mr. Garcia Zarate’s ethnicity, nothing about his immigration status, nothing about the fact that he is born in Mexico had any relevance as to what happened on July 1, 2015.



Wow. I have nothing else to say. Just wow.

Oh, wait. There is this.

For someone who says that there was no political or ethnic motivation in the Steinle case, Ugarte’s actions, at least in terms of photos on his Twitter page, indicate that political motivations have driven his own motives.

I’ll just leave these here:








Advocating, like a true social justice warrior, for illegal immigrants, Black Lives Matter, Sen. Bernie Sanders and against President Trump's travel ban.

Judge for yourselves, folks.