'Step the F*** Off': ‘SNL’ Mocks Dianne Feinstein Scolding Children Over Green New Deal

Monica Sanchez | March 4, 2019

“Saturday Night Live” over the weekend aired a segment mocking California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein for recently scolding a group of children for pressing her to support the disastrous Green New Deal.

The group of children, called the Sunrise Movement, asked Feinstein nearly two weeks ago to support the legislation, accusing her of not caring about the environment or doing enough to save the next generation, to which she replied smugly, “I’ve been doing this for 30 years. I know what I’m doing.”

The video went viral.

“SNL” on Saturday aired a “re-do” meeting for Feinstein, played by actor-comedian Cecily Strong, where she has a series of “outtakes” because she can’t help but continue to tell the kids off.

In one of the outtakes, she says, “Oh, I see what’s happening. O.K. You’re going to tell me how to do my job. O.K., well, I don’t come into your first grade classroom and knock the Elmer’s Glue out of your mouth, do I?

"So why don’t you stay in your lane and step the f*** off?” she fires.

In another, she tells the students to give her $93 trillion so she can support the deal.

“We don’t have any money,” one child responds.

“Oh, you don’t? Then we all lose,” Feinstein replies.

Another child held up a drawing urging her to support the bill, to which the senator says sarcastically, “Oh, is that a poster? Then I’m convinced!”

For a laugh, check out the full segment below.

H/T Fox News