Steph Curry Says Trump's 'Divisive' Rhetoric Has No Place In America

John Simmons | September 13, 2022
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Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry is one of the most accurate shooters in NBA history, yet he consistently misses the mark with his political takes. 

Curry recently stated in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine that Donald Trump’s potential presidential run in 2024 would have a negative impact on the country at large.

“Most of his rhetoric — before he was president, during his last four years, and even now, if he tries to run again — has a tone of divisiveness that doesn’t have a place in our country,” Curry said.

The three-point sharpshooter must live under a rock, because if he thinks that Trump’s potential presidency will be the main source of division in this country, or that the current political climate is void of division as it is, he is sorely mistaken. 

Progressives have greatly contributed to fostering a political environment in which anyone who does not side with them is treated as an outcast, something that has only intensified during the Biden Administration. Maybe Curry hadn't seen Biden's Independence Hall speech?

Related: Leftist Hacks Spent 9/11 Comparing Trump Supporters To Terrorists

If you were smart enough to not get vaccinated, progressives would treat you as the main problem for why Americans still got COVID, even though any government mandated vaccine was proven to be ineffective. If you do not subscribe the sexually chaotic ideology that dominates our country in which individuals can change their gender and children should be groomed, leftists label you a bigot and someone bent on hatred. And if you don’t buy into the narrative that white people are the source of all racism in America's history and should be ceaselessly made to feel guilty, well, progressives will loudly proclaim you’re part of that problem too. 

So if Curry wants a country where divisive political rhetoric doesn’t exist, I’m afraid he’s too late. The left has made sure that our country is rife with it.
