Terror On the Border? Number of Migrants Flagged As Possible National Security Risks Spiked 600% In FY2022

Brittany M. Hughes | October 4, 2022
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As Biden’s open border continues to spew like a busted fire hydrant, the flood is bringing with it a lot more than helpless toddlers and desperate mamas.

It’s already well known by those who follow immigration news that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens streaming across the Rio Grande are single adults and nearly-adult teenage males. But even more terrifying than the fact that we don’t know who most of these people are is the fact that in many cases, we do – and the profiles aren’t good.

According to information first obtained by the Daily Caller, it turns out the number of “special interest migrants” flagged as potential national security risks who crossed the border illegally spiked by – get this – 600% in FY2022.

That’s 25,627 people, specifically.

The Department of Homeland Security defines "special interest migrants" as "individuals with suspicious travel patterns who may pose a national security risk—not to mention the many criminals, smugglers, traffickers, and other threat actors who try to exploit our borders."

"Often such individuals or groups are employing travel patterns known or evaluated to possibly have a nexus to terrorism," DHS adds, continuing, "This does not mean that all SIAs are 'terrorists,' but rather that the travel and behavior of such individuals indicates a possible nexus to nefarious activity (including terrorism) and, at a minimum, provides indicators that necessitate heightened screening and further investigation."

By comparison, only 3,675 were caught in FY2021.

Related: Biden's Border: Illegal Alien Apprehensions Just Surpassed 2 MILLION In Record-Shattering High

The Daily Caller notes that CBP data shows about 60% of the “special interest” migrants caught this year hailed from Turkey, and that most were, unsurprisingly, nabbed at the Southwest U.S. border.

In addiction, CBP nabbed 78 people already on the terror watchlist between October 2021 and this past August.

While the massive spike in possible terrorism-connected migrants is certainly a cause for concern, with a record 2 million-plus illegal aliens having been caught so far in 2022, the more alarming prospect is always the ones who may have crossed into the country without getting caught. And given that an estimated 1 million “got-aways” are already suspected to have come into the country since Biden’s inauguration in January of 2020, that's not a very comforting thought.