Trans Runner Offers to Give Back Medal After Dominating Female Racers

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | April 27, 2023
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He shouldn’t have taken it in the first place…

Transgender “woman,” Glenique Frank, won a finishers medal in the London Marathon Sunday and offered to give his trophy back to satisfy those who opposed his honor. Frank beat 14,000 actual women that could have been bumped up to the place he took for himself. 

Frank is a 54-year-old biological man who used to compete in athletic competitions as a male. When he failed epically in those challenges he transitioned to female to make it easier to win. Sound like anyone else we know? Here's looking at you, Lia Thomas.

Frank received a finishers trophy and was ranked 6,159th of the female runners. Obviously he isn’t that great, even for a chick, but the principle that he took a spot away from an actual woman still stands. 

When Sunday’s race sparked controversy, Frank told New York Post, “If they want me to give my medal back, I’ll say, ‘OK, fine. No problem.'”

“If they really think I’ve stolen the place [of a female runner], I don’t mind giving the medal back," Frank added, "because I’ll run again next year for charity. But I don’t want to apologize, because I didn’t do anything wrong.”

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Essentially, he wasn’t sorry about running the race and winning a medal. He was sorry that people got upset over it. The strange part is despite Frank competing as a woman, he admitted that he isn’t one.

“I get it…I’m not a woman, I don’t have a womb,” he said, adding still that he plans to get a $20,000 “top and bottom surgery” next year. Maybe then he’ll be a woman? Unironically however, he referred to himself as a woman with “girl power” at the race and announced he was excited to soon “be a gran — Granny G.”

Man, he’s all sorts of twisted around!

On Twitter, Frank’s unfairness was called out by  two-time Olympic marathon runner Mara Yamauchi. 

Frank’s justification was that he didn’t have a lot of testosterone left since he’d been taking estrogen. Really? Then why do you look like a dude? 

All that to say, it's pretty sick that people are parading as whatever and whoever they want these days just to get ahead. It’s also pretty sick that there’s still people that think this isn’t a mental illness.


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