Trump to Ban Bump Stocks Via Executive Order 'Pretty Quickly'

Monica Sanchez | February 28, 2018

Amid pushback from the National Rifle Association, President Trump on Wednesday said that he will “write out” bump stocks by executive order "pretty quickly." 

“I’m going to write that out,” said Trump at a meeting with bipartisan lawmakers on school safety. “We can do that with executive order. I’m going to write the bump stock – essentially write that out. So you won’t have to worry about bump stock. Shortly that will be gone. We can focus on other things.”

“It’s going to be done pretty quickly,” he added.

The NRA has said that it does not support a ban on bump stock modifications that turn a semi-automatic weapon into an automatic one.

Trump at the meeting said that he strongly supports the Second Amendment but believes “it’s time” to make certain changes that the NRA may not agree with.

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