TSA Official: TSA a Combination of 'Animal House' and 'Game of Thrones'

ashley.rae | April 27, 2016

Speaking before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday on misconduct at the Transportation Security Administration, Andrew Rhoades, a TSA employee who works at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, compared the TSA’s corporate culture to a combination of “Animal House” and “Game of Thrones.”

In his testimony, Rhoades accused the TSA of using directed reassignments to induce retirements and resignations. He also claimed the TSA is lenient in handling sexual misconduct cases and often uses non-disclosure agreements to hide TSA misconduct.

“Our corporate culture is analogous to the movie ‘Animal House’ while our relationship to our headquarters in the field is best depicted in the TV series ‘Game of Thrones’” Rhoades said.

“I cannot imagine any company being successful when it treats its employee the way TSA does. If this was a private company, the entire leadership team would have been removed long ago,” he continued.


Last year, the federal government announced it would investigate a complaint Rhoades made regarding security issues at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Rhoades alleged the TSA was not placing stickers on checked bags and that ammunition found at checkpoints had been improperly handled. Rhoades claimed the TSA tried to transfer him to another airport as retaliation for the story becoming public.