Twitter’s Woke Mob Automatically Assumes Boulder Mass Murderer Was a White Man

Sergie Daez | March 23, 2021

The shooting at Boulder, Colorado, was undeniably tragic. But as usual, anti-white leftists found a way to politicize the devastating incident - and before the facts had even come out.

However, their petty schemes backfired in their faces. 

Unhinged leftists on Twitter automatically assumed that the murderer at Boulder was a white man, their logic following leftist generalizations like black men making up the bulk of police shootings, and all mass murderers being white.

Regardless of the reason, Twitter erupted with tweets from liberals claiming that white men were dangerous, terrorists, and the greatest threat to America.

In reality, however, the Colorado shooter was nowhere near the woke mob’s description. This murderer's name is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, and he is a Muslim immigrant from Syria


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Here are just a few of the tweets displaying how Twitter leftists jumped to conclusions over the identity of the Boulder shooter (some were deleted but saved by other Twitter users):

People need to stop using such tragedies to further political agendas. It’s better to sympathize, mourn with, or pray for the victims and their families.