The 'Un-PC' List of the Best 2016 Super Bowl Commercials

Nick Kangadis | February 8, 2016

Sick of all the societal and political criticisms of…well, everything? Here's the official “best and worst" list for 2016 Super Bowl commercials for those tired of being preached to.

People looking for analysis of a political statement, political correctness, a “message”, an agenda or any other form of stupidity, this is not your list.

Let's get the three worst Super Bowl commercials out of the way. These are judged by either their level of "dumb," pushing an agenda or they are just plain bad.

3. Shick Hydro


2. Helen Mirren/Budweiser Commercial


1. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mobile Strike App


Here are simply the five most entertaining and/or moving commercials from the Super Bowl:

5. Amazon Echo


4. Budweiser Clydesdale Ad


3. Doritos Baby


2. Heinz Stampeding Hot Dogs


1. Honda Ridgeline Singing Sheep


What did you think of this year's Super Bowl 50 ads?