Uncommon Sense: Republicans Lost the Budget/CR Battle

Nick Kangadis | May 3, 2017

At "Uncommon Sense," the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street. Common sense isn't that common.

We don’t prey on peoples' legitimate sensitivities, but we hunt for faux outrage -- and for whatever the heck “micro-aggressions” are. 

We’re going to Liberalville and taking them to a place called reality!

The supposed "bipartisan" continuing resolution (CR), aka the budget, was recently passed by Congress. But, the details of the CR leave one wondering what was so bipartisan about what was included or not included.

Despite having a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, the GOP caved to every demand the Democrats put forth in order to avoid a government shutdown.

MRCTV's Nick Kangadis points out all of the monumental losses the GOP suffered with the passing of the new, but eerily similar to the old, CR.

For this episode of Uncommon Sense, watch below:



Sources: Washington Post, Gateway Pundit

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