Now granted, I’ve never been to the University of Idaho. But I assume they must have a pretty lax curriculum, given that their students have enough free time to sit-in at a nearby Starbucks and complain about the lack of “free” vegan milk to put in their soy lattes.
No, I’m not kidding.
According to Campus Reform, a group of University of Idaho students actually staged a full sit-in protest at their local Starbucks to demand the store stop charging them extra for “vegan milk,” which the chain currently offers at a small up-charge because of its higher price point.
The angry college kids said Starbucks is “penalizing” people who care about the environment and want non-dairy add-ons for their coffee by charging them extra for the more expensive vegan option.
“We are urging Starbucks to stop charging extra for vegan milks because Starbucks shouldn’t be penalizing people for choosing a healthier option that doesn’t support animal abuse and is better for the environment," protest leader and Local Herbivore President Kaylee Carr told Campus Reform. "Starbucks recently stated that they want to cut their carbon emissions as a company in half by 2030 in a plan that includes encouraging customers to choose more of their plant-based options; however, they did not address their current plant-based milk upcharge at all. There are many coffee chains that have dropped their upcharge for plant-based milks, including Panera and Whole Foods. We are asking that Starbucks does the same.”
The group was of course backed by People Eating Tasty Animals People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who’ve launched a campaign calling for people to stop using dairy products altogether.
Starbucks, on the other hand, didn't respond to Campus Reform's request for comment - hopefully because they recognize the total stupidity of this whole manufactured crisis.