USA Today Claims Trump's Not 'Fit To Clean the Toilets' In Obama's Presidential Library

ola olugbemi | December 13, 2017

The presidency of Donald Trump has driven leftist media off of the rails.

Case-in-point: USA Today’s editorial board penned an op-ed piece on Tuesday openly claiming Trump isn't "fit to clean the toilets in Barack Obama's Presidential Library."

“A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush," USA Today's editorial board wrote outright, apparently in reference to an earlier tweet from the president claiming Gillibrand solicited him for campaign contributions.

And in which the president did not, in fact, call Gillibrand a "whore." But that didn't stop USA Today.

“Donald Trump, the man, on the other hand, is uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed,” the outlet's editors continued.

In publishing such diatribe, the editorial board not only inserted their own baseless interpretation into the President’s tweet, but also pontificated their open hatred for his existence in a way that has become increasingly more common, showing not only a lack of respect for the nation's leader, but also a general disrespect for their fellow man.

Admittedly, President Trump is not my first, or even tenth, choice for an example of most upstanding moral character. Then again, being under a constant barrage of negative and dismissive public coverage of your politics, your family, and your livelihood is bound to make one a bit cantankerous. 

With statements such as these from the likes of USA Today’s editorial board, it is not difficult to see why the President is consistently at odds with the so-called "news" media.

(Cover Photo: Gage Skidmore)