Va. School Board Meeting Trolled by 'Bart-Simpson Style' Prank: 'Phil McCracken?'

Nick Kangadis | August 31, 2021

School boards across the country like to dictate to parents how they should raise their children through their draconian measures and edicts, and if you don’t like it, they will shut down your right to free speech or assembly. A big problem comes in when you realize that a lot of these people have no business in any kind of educational setting, especially when they’re supposed to be good at working with children, when they can’t even recognize a childish prank that’s been around for decades when it’s pulled on them.

Y’all, this is just straight funny.

A recent meeting of the Henrico School Board in Virginia saw an old prank make the rounds once more when school board Chair Roscoe Cooper III began reading off supposed names of citizens who wanted to be recognized to speak in front of the board.

“Phil McCracken?” Cooper called out before repeating the name a second time. “Phil McCracken?”

I’m not going to explain the prank here. I’ll simply say to read the names said at the meeting and sound them out. You should get it, eventually.

Here are the other names called out loud by Cooper, twice each, at the meeting (Note: I’m just guessing on the spelling here, folks.):

Sook Mehdiq

Ophelia McCaulk

Eileen Dover

Don Kedick

Wayne Kerr

Cooper then reads one name that was thrown in there just to make it seem like these were legit names, before announcing one more joke name, only the name was merely the name of a lefty Hollywood writer and producer — “Aaron Sorkin.”

For video of the prank portion of the school board meeting, watch below:


H/T: Mediaite