VT School District To Pay $125K To Father-Daughter Duo Targeted For 'Misgendering' a Trans Student

John Simmons | June 6, 2023
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A Vermont school district has agreed to pay $125,000 in a settlement with a family that it targeted last year after the parents spoke out against a transgendered female in the women’s locker room of their daughter's school.

In October of 2022, Travis Allen, who at the time was the soccer coach at Randolph Union Middle School, spoke out against an unnamed trans woman (a.k.a, a male) who was changing in the women's locker room. Allen’s daughter, Blake, also voiced her disgust with the situation.

In the process of reporting the incident, both Allens called the man a “he” (rightfully) in social media posts, and both were soon after punished by the school district for “misgendering” this deranged person. Allen lost his job and Blake was sanctioned from the school, leading them to sue the district.

The Allens detailed their story to then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson back in October of 2022.

Mind you, this all happened because they didn’t like the fact that a male was changing in the women’s locker room - at a middle school.

Related: Tucker Carlson Hosts Father-Daughter Duo Who Spoke Out Against Trans Woman In Locker Room

But now, the Allens are getting the last laugh as the Orange Southwest School District Board decided to settle with the family outside of the courtroom. In addition to the massive payout, Travis will get his job back and any records of disciplinary actions taken against the Allens will be removed. Furthermore, the district will remove any social media messages they posted about the incident, or any messages of support they offered the trans community in the process.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), who represented the Allens, received the news with much joy.

"The settlement of Blake and Travis Allen’s case is a resounding victory for freedom of speech. Calling a male a male shouldn’t have cost Travis his job and gotten Blake kicked out of school," ADF senior counsel Phil Sechler said. "We are very glad that the school agreed to do the right thing by giving Travis his coaching job back and dropping the discipline against Blake."

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