WATCH: Anti-Anthem - USA Today Says 'Faux Display' is for 'Dictators' & 'Despots'

Nick Kangadis | March 15, 2019

Nancy Armour, a woman that has been covering sports for various publications for about 25 years, wrote the last installment for the USA Today's "Things We'd Change in Sports" series on Thursday saying that “playing the anthem before our football, baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer games has become a lazy excuse for patriotism.” But, that wasn't all Armour had to say.

The title of her article? "It's time to stop playing national anthem at sporting events."

Check out my latest commentary video where I talk about why the national anthem is so important to the tradition of American team sports, and how the left and the media continually gauge the pulse of the country incorrectly. It kind of lends credibility to the argument when someone with actual team sports experience has a take on the subject.

Don't forget to watch the video at the top. Thanks, everybody! Stay tuned to MRCTV for more!