WATCH: 'Anti-Fascist' Activists Force Ted Cruz and His Wife From Restaurant

Nick Kangadis | September 25, 2018

Even though the far-Left consistently tells all of us how “tolerant” they are, associating the Left with “tolerance” has become oxymoronic at this point. Apparently those on the radical Left have made it next to impossible for anyone trying to have a private dinner without their squeals for whatever they’re mad about this week.

So, I guess a bunch of anti-Kavanaugh protesters disrupted Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) dinner with his wife Heidi at a Washington D.C. restaurant Monday evening. The mindless yammering become such a disturbance that Cruz and his wife were forced to leave the establishment. The protesters can be heard in typical cult-like fashion chanting, “We believe survivors!”

Maybe it’s just me, but automatically believing people without any evidence says more about the protesters than it does about the people whose lives they attempt to ruin.

Pro-Antifa, pro-fascist — despite their claims to be anti-fascist — “resistance” group Smash Racism DC posted the whole annoying encounter to Twitter. Take a look:


Here’s my question — what did they accomplish? I mean, besides driving Cruz away from a private dinner with his wife, what happened here? Did they somehow prove Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against the Supreme Court nominee?

The answer to those questions are nothing, who knows and absolutely not. I suppose the only thing they proved is that they can be just as annoying outside of an organized protest event as they are normally.

Maybe it’s the non-conformist in me, but if these piles of human garbage began interrupting my dinner I’d do something that’d really piss them off: stand up and sing the national anthem.

H/T: Daily Caller