WATCH: Dan Crenshaw Gives Some Hard Truths About Pitfalls of Single-Payer Healthcare

Nick Kangadis | May 23, 2019

The leftists and socialists that seemingly always want to push a single-payer healthcare system on the American people so that they have even more control over the decisions we make in our lives.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) used his time in examining the validity of single-payer healthcare during a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday to attempt to debunk the notion that single-payer is a better system for people with pre-existing conditions.

“I think it’s time to put to rest the many false promises of Medicare For All and single-payer systems,” Crenshaw began.

During his time, Crenshaw asked questions of the Deputy Director at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Mark Hadley.

Here’s video of the exchange, along with Crenshaw’s full time:


Based on Hadley’s answers confirming Crenshaw’s questions, which were all based on Hadley’s own writings, Crenshaw came to a very interesting conclusion.

Here’s what Crenshaw said in summary:

A single-payer system has to set prices, and if set at current Medicare rates, which all plans call for, then this drastically cuts the money going to doctors and hospitals. They will have to cut resources. They will hire less. They will buy less equipment. It is simple economics. Because there are less doctors, wait times will increase. With this newfound world of less doctors and more patients, the government will have to carefully screen — or triage — who gets care and who doesn’t and what kind of care they get, all based on bureaucratic cost-benefit analysis. Innovators will be less likely to invest in a system where the payoff is significantly less, because they can’t be sure whether the government bureaucrat will even allow doctors to use that new medical device, medication or new procedure. And counterintuitively, this system ends up hurting patients with the most unique conditions — also known as patients with pre-existing conditions — because their care requires flexibility and innovation, both of which are drastically reduced in a single-payer system.



Boom! It really can’t be said any simpler than that. Essentially, socialized medicine sucks.

H/T: Louder with Crowder