Welcome back to the best kept secret in the conservative movement, Things That Need To Be Said. I truly appreciate every single one of you that watches these videos, because I couldn't do what I do without all of you.
Since YouTube seems to really hate the truth and abhors "spicy takes," check out the Rumble version above for this week's video.
An actual journalist published clips from a recent Disney virtual meeting in which they talk about ramping up LGBTQ content in their "programming" for and of children.
Related: Groomers’ Paradise: All Disney Parks Ditch References to Traditional Genders, No More ‘Boys & Girls’
Check out my latest commentary where I'll examine the depths in which the "Magic Kingdom" has fallen.
Don't forget to watch the video at the top. Stay tuned to MRCTV for more!
Sources: Twitter (@realchrisrufo), Twitter (@RichLowry), Gallup, Florida House