Watch Hillary Attack Secret Emails: 'Our Constitution Is Being Shredded'

Barbara Boland | March 6, 2015

This week, it emerged that Hillary Clinton may have violated the law by using a secret, private email account with servers run out of the basement of her New York home while she served as Secretary of State -- even though when candidate Hillary was preparing for her 2008 bid for the White House, she attacked George W. Bush's use of "secret wiretaps...secret military tribunals [and] secret White House email accounts." 

Watch this clip from 2007:

“Our constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, we know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts," said HIllary.

Hillary then went on to keep all her emails hidden from judicial oversight on a private email account and server, and did not preserve those emails, possibly violating the Federal Records Act.

Hillary Clinton's four years at the State Department came courtesy of President Barack Obama, who promised the "most transparent administration" ever