There is a difference this February 2020. It may not be monumental at this moment, but there is a philosophical and principle shift happening in the Black community.
In the last three years we have seen a real policy emphasis placed on the solutions that improve the quality of life for Blacks. We have seen a historic drop in the unemployment rate in the Black community. There has been a great move of Blacks off the poverty rolls. There has even been an awareness, at the highest levels of our government, of the plight of our Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
We have seen criminal justice reform resulting in the release of incarcerated individuals like Alice Marie Johnson. Ms. Johnson was sentenced to a 25-year prison sentence without possibility of parole for a first-time non-violent drug offense. And we have economic opportunity zones that are focused on growing more small businesses in the black communities.
Because of all this, we are seeing some in the American Black community question why this has happened in the past three years? Why did none of this happen in the eight years of the so called “first Black president”?
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