WH Won't Say it Supports Jordan's Execution of Terrorists

Barbara Boland | February 5, 2015



“As it relates to decisions carried out by the Jordanian justice system, I’d refer you to them,” was the answer White House spokesperson Josh Earnest’s gave when asked yesterday if the U.S. supports Jordan’s execution of terrorists.

In a rambling answer to Fox's Ed Henry, Earnest says that we are all shocked and appalled “in the same way” by the video of ISIS burning a Jordanian pilot.  However, Jordan responded to that video by executing terrorists. and the U.S. has no plans to do that at this time. Clearly we are not all responding “in the same way” to the horrific video.

Then Earnest, speaking in his role as White House spokesperson, says he can’t answer whether we support Jordan’s decision because he doesn’t have “working knowledge of the Jordanian justice system.” He represents the White House, and clearly the White House must have knowledge of Jordan’s justice system, so this is just another excuse to avoid answering the question.

Trancript below:

Fox’s Ed Henry said to Earnest, “I'm confused by your answer to Michelle's question about the executions that happened overnight… when you said, 'I don't have a reaction to it.' I mean, how can the president yesterday say, we are here, we support Jordan, they are a key member of the collation, they make this decision overnight, and you can't say whether or not you support the executions?”

“Well, Ed, it is certainly possible for us to continue to support and stand with the people of Jordan in this very difficult time,” began Earnest, as if stalling for time. “And clearly, their nation, in the same way that we all are, is shocked and appalled at this terrible act of violence that was captured on video by ISIL and released to the world.”

Earnest went on: “And the United States stands with our friends in Jordan as they confront this awful, barbaric act. But as it relates to decisions that are carried out by Jordanian justice system, I refer you to them.”

He continued rambling, “I just -- I don't have the working knowledge of the Jordanian justice system to render an opinion in this. All I know is that the individuals that we are discussing here were individuals who were convicted of terrorism related crimes, they were individuals who were sentenced to death, and these were individuals who have been serving time on death row.”