'Will & Grace' Star McCormack Backtracks on Calling For Trump Donor 'List' Without Actually Backtracking

Nick Kangadis | September 5, 2019

The far-left in Hollywood has lost touch with reality to such a degree that when they backtrack on one of the many stupid and dangerous political comments they make, they don’t even realize they’re doubling down.

Both of the lead stars of “Will & Grace,” Eric McCormack and Debra Messing, recently said on social media that wanted a “list” of all of the donors that were attending a fundraiser for President Donald Trump in Beverly Hills.

Here are both of their original tweets:



The “tolerant” left in 2019.

After being called out on Twitter by many, McCormack took to Instagram to comment on the backlash he and Messing received following their call for what a lot of people called a “blacklist.”

I think McCormack tried to walk back his statements, but if you actually read what he wrote, he essentially doubled down on his rhetoric of calling for a “list.” Messing stamped McCormack’s comments by tweeting out a picture of his Instagram comments with the caption, “I couldn’t have said it better.”

Here’s McCormack’s Instagram post, along with Messing’s Twitter post echoing her co-star’s post:




Did you see an apology or any indication that McCormack wasn’t calling for what essentially amounts to a “blacklist?” Yeah, neither did I. Oh, and what was the point of Messing's echoing of McCormack's statement? She wrote about intent like everyone didn't already know what said "intent" was.

The far-left in Hollywood are so out of their depth mentally that the bubble they all live in seems to be getting smaller by the day.

H/T: Chicks on the Right