A Witness Captured Video Of the Alexandria Attack, And It's Terrifying

Brittany M. Hughes | June 14, 2017

Cell phone footage has been published of the moment a gunman opened fire on members of Congress during baseball practice at a ball field in Alexandria Wednesday morning – and it’s just as terrifying as it sounds.

The witness behind the camera ducks for cover behind a trashcan, getting as close to the ground as he can while trying to keep track of his confused dog. More than two-dozen shots can be heard ringing out in quick succession, along with shouting from across the field.

“Do we know where he’s at?” the witness asks a few others, who are hunkered down behind the fence at the ballpark.

“I assume someone’s called 9-1-1 already,” the man continues, just before screams of “Stay down!” are heard from the field.

The harrowing footage, published by the New York Post, continues for more than two and a half minutes.

Five people were wounded in the attack, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was shot in the hip transported to a nearby hospital. A Capitol Police officer was reportedly shot in the foot as she attempted to return fire.

The shooter, later identified as Illinois native James Hogdkinson, was shot at the scene and later died from his injuries.

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