Woman Says She Was Attacked After Telling Strangers She Supports Trump

Nick Kangadis | April 3, 2018

Just a quick “pro-tip” from your old pal, Nick: Don’t treat real life like a Facebook comments section.

A woman in Washington D.C. was assaulted at a restaurant after she claims that she interjected herself into a trio of strangers political conversation to proclaim that she supports President Trump.

According to Fox 5 - DC:

According to the police report, the 29-year-old victim named Maricela said she overheard a conversation between the two female suspects and their male friend. She reported to police that she become involved in their conversation and stated, "I support Donald Trump.”[…]

She claimed the two suspects assaulted her despite their male friend trying to step in to stop them. The victim said she took herself to Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland for treatment of her injuries, the police report said.

Why? Just, why? While it’s fine to support a political figure, what was Maricela hoping to accomplish? Why would you become involved in a strangers’ political conversation, knowing you’re not going to change anyone’s mind?

“I’m a Trump supporter,” Maricela said. “I stood by my views, then they called me a racist and then they started attacking me.”

On the other hand, if someone 's willing to attack another human being because of their political beliefs, they aren't worth wasting your time.

“After it happened, I got a bruised right eye," said Maricela. "My blood vessels inside my eye burst. I got a fractured finger, a bruised knee and minor bruises all over my body.”

The attack was completely heinous and out of line. No one should be beaten for their beliefs, unless you’re a crazy person that is bent on world domination.

The suspects in the assault on March 16 are still at large. However, according to Fox 5, the police report says they're investigating the attack as a "suspected hate crime."

A story like this is actually a sad commentary on what our society has become. If you don’t already believe that the U.S. is in an ideological civil war, then you need to wake up and look around once in a while.

For video of the story, watch below: