
DannyG | August 21, 2008
To hear Barack Obama tell it, Campaign 2008 is all about change. Unfortunately, both he and John McCain today agreed to the same, tired routine of…
kpicket | August 21, 2008
Estranged family members come out of the strangest places when the lottery is won or someone has presidential aspirations. These quiet individuals…
kpicket | August 20, 2008
Some left-wing bloggers and their commenters love to do the happy dance when prominent conservatives like Tony Snow or Jerry Falwell pass away or are…
kpicket | August 19, 2008
During an interview with Larry King, HBO's Bill Maher went on a diatribe about the stupidity of the American people because he is dumbfounded by the…
kpicket | August 19, 2008
Glenn Spencer, director of research at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, spoke to conservative bloggers today at the Heritage Foundation about the left's…
kpicket | August 15, 2008
Commissioner Robert McDowell of the FCC spoke to conservative bloggers today at the Heritage Foundation, and asked him how much power the…
kpicket | August 14, 2008
FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell addressed conservative bloggers during a briefing at the Heritage Foundation recently.  McDowell discussed the issue…
DannyG | August 12, 2008
Looks like the Navy finally got its online act together and secured Internet access for the bloggers it invited aboard the USS Kearsarge. Thomas…
DannyG | August 12, 2008
The Navy appears to be engaged in a serious public-relations push, as the bloggers aboard the USS Kearsarge aren't the only ones reporting on life at…
DannyG | August 8, 2008
... so let the blogging begin. I'm sitting in Miami International Airport awaiting my return flight to the Washington, D.C., area. I spent the past…
DannyG | August 8, 2008
The Navy really doesn’t know what to do with us bloggers. Apparently we’re a bit nosier than the other people who come aboard. We ask questions that…
DannyG | August 8, 2008
That’s what the military promises, and that’s what it delivers. OK, the options are limited, but there’s plenty of food, and save for the occasional…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
This wasn’t a good day to be on an unfamiliar ship if you drank a lot of liquids, as I did. The crew “secured” for random drug-screening the heads…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
I won’t name names, but one of the bloggers who was supposed to be on the USS Kearsarge with us isn’t. He thought the ship was leaving this afternoon…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
Navy officers have it much better than the enlisted men when out to sea, at least in terms of comfort. I’m guessing their meals are similar, but the…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
This has been a good time for a trip at sea. Until today, I couldn’t feel any significant movement of this massive ship. But the waters do seem to…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
Have you ever wondered where sailors get the necessities of life -- and a few luxuries -- while at sea? Wonder no more. They go to the ship store.…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
As a Christian, one of the things I was curious to see on the USS Kearsarge was the chapel. I was disappointed. I’m not a fan of fancy church…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
Navy men have to get their hair cut about every two weeks. That’s what we learned during our stop at the barbershop on the Kearsarge today. We also…
DannyG | August 7, 2008
After lunch today, I joined three other bloggers for some fresh sea air. We walked through a series of three hatches that took us to a deck directly…