In the aftermath of a second attempted assassination of Donald Trump in 9 weeks, the media put the blame on Trump.
This week the media decided they were the infallible ruling elite! Dismissing those "stupid" rules laid out in the Constitution and deciding that…
This week das state media, PBS – Politically Biased Shills – came to a shocking realization! And it all leads up to the media's reanimation of Brian…
Watch facts be twisted in new and amazing ways! New falsehoods appear out of thin air! Peek inside the tent of leftist media!
The leftist media does its best to paint over the record of Tim Walz.
It seems the Democrat memo was read verbatim by the media from cue cards.
The media got on its knees to scrub away past articles to conform with today’s narratives about Vice President Kamala Harris and their efforts are…
It was a week where the media wrestled with themselves over the issue of Biden's brain.
They are upset and claim to be in “pain.” These so-called journalists now admit they “love” Biden (certainly no bias there) but they no longer seem…
This week we diagnose how the leftist media handles problems that impact their favorite guy whose uncle was eaten by cannibals. You won't believe…
CNN has heard a lot of crazy conspiracies – but nothing like Trump supporters who claim this country is a Republic! It's almost like (gasp) Trump…