Ali Velshi

kbrown | October 26, 2007
'American Morning's' Velshi offers long-term view of oil prices, but co-anchor doesn't buy it.
kbrown | October 24, 2007
News reports are a fright fest these days with “Planet in Peril,” a “freefall” in the stock market and the threat of “superbugs.” The media make it…
kbrown | October 17, 2007
CNN anchor John Roberts tries to damper a stock report by Ali Velshi on October 1 by cherry-picking the two worst market crashes in U.S. history.…
kbrown | October 1, 2007
American Morning host Ali Velshi tells us that the Dow Jones is up %11.5 this yea and the fourth quarter is looking even better.
kbrown | August 1, 2007
Ali Velshi proclaims the “good news” of the minimum wage increase, but glosses over the harm it could do to businesses and the poor. CNN “American…
kbrown | June 6, 2007
CNN senior business correspondent Ali Velshi discussed Murdoch’s reasons for wanting to buy a “trophy prize” like The Wall Street Journal.” “Reliable…
kbrown | December 4, 2006
"You could say, assume they're going to eat at McDonald' anyway, isn't it better that they're getting out there and then playing hoops? I mean, a lot…
kbrown | September 22, 2006
“Paula Zahn NOW” continues gas price conspiracy theory.