anti semitism

Stephen Gutowski | October 22, 2011
Earlier this week we sent some of the MRCTV staff up to Occupy Wall Street in New York to see what they could see. Now they're back and, trust me,…
Stephen Gutowski | June 9, 2010
Well... who didn't see this coming (h/t allahpundit): "Respected American journalist Helen Thomas's answer shows ... a courageous, bold, honest and…
Stephen Gutowski | June 4, 2010
Here is some shocking new audio coming out of the Gaza flotilla incident. Apparently these super peaceful peace activists are no fans of Jews or the…
admin | June 2, 2010
You remember them right; those poor, unfortunate souls trapped behind that inhumane Israeli blockade? Well, as we've seen, they're not so pitiable…