Antonin Scalia

P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 24, 2024
  In a word-salad-filled, fantastical ruling, the majority of Justices in the Supreme Court June 21 determined that it is perfectly consistent…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 7, 2022
On Thursday, June 2, Amtrak Joe Biden appeared during a speech at the tax-funded White House and parroted what his tax-funded speechwriters…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 21, 2022
In a two-to-one ruling full of important touchstones, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled January 20 against Ventura County,…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 9, 2021
Federal District Judge Roger T. Benitez’s June 4 ruling striking down California’s “ban” on so-called “assault rifles” has evinced reactions among…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 21, 2020
This first act of the tragic media-politician political play to gain leverage from the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg lends great…
Nick Kangadis | July 19, 2019
Americans will most likely be seeing and hearing more of a familiar last name in the coming weeks. President Trump announced on Twitter on Thursday…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 28, 2018
Some of you might agree that this new story makes one feel like Cassandra, the mythical figure who was doomed to warn people of impending trouble,…
Nick Kangadis | July 17, 2018
Democracy typically leads to Socialism. And, as former head of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin once said, “The goal of Socialism is Communism.” Don’…
ola olugbemi | September 29, 2017
On Thursday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that could potentially strike down mandatory fees for public sector unions in at least 22 states…
Maureen Collins | June 12, 2017
Recently-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gosruch has just written his first opinion for the highest court in the land with unanimous backing…
Nick Kangadis | January 27, 2017
Vice President Mike Pence took the stage at the March for Life event on Friday and Pence did not hesitate to mention that President Donald Trump…
Curtis Houck | November 29, 2016
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog. Almost every edition of MSNBC’s Hardball offers a spit-take moment courtesy of host Chris…