Biological Male

Nick Kangadis | March 11, 2023
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRCTV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Nick Kangadis | July 30, 2021
It’s no wonder why so few people are tuning into this version of the Olympic Games currently taking place in Tokyo. There are many factors that have…
Abby Streetman | July 20, 2021
Sports Illustrated has gone completely anti-truth and released a new cover which features Leyna Bloom, who is a biological male. Despite what Bloom’s…
Nick Kangadis | June 21, 2021
Well, it’s official! The Olympic Games in Tokyo will be the first of its kind to bear witness to a biological male — or “the first openly transgender…
Nick Kangadis | May 7, 2021
So I guess we’re back to talking about dudes who failed in sports for dudes “liberating” themselves by becoming trans women in order to dominate…