Finally! Someone actually said it on record during this complete waste of taxpayer money, otherwise known as the impeachment inquiry hearing.…
It’s like members of the Hollywood Communistic Cult don’t want anyone to fully enjoy a film without the stars of those movies preaching to the rest…
One day after U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr publicly released a redacted version of the Mueller report, which concluded that there was no collusion…
Read more at NewsBusters here.
Just when you think The View can’t get any more unwatchable, they bring on CNN journalists as their guests. On…
BuzzFeed, known for their useless listicles and brain-numbing "challenges," likes to think of itself as "news" but acts more like a tabloid…
Buzzfeed echoed several liberal environmentalism organizations with their concerns of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh, saying…
To read the full article, visit NewsBusters.
On Monday, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough stuffed his foot into his mouth with alarming force when he…
Why doesn’t Buzzfeed just admit that they do little to no research before doing — well, anything?
Their "journalism" is like the colostomy bag on…
Halloween 2017 has come and gone, but not only has the day shown people engaging in the time-tested practice of voluntary charity that CBS anger-…
After feminists complained that the app was “shaming” women for their weight, Google has removed a beta Maps feature that allowed users to see how…
Kendall Jenner, one of the members of the Kardashian clan, apparently made a social justice faux pas when she used an emoji darker than the whitest…
“Lost amid the flurry of attention that focuses on missing white girls and women are the names of black girls who disappear.”
That’s the headline…