Central American Minors

Brittany M. Hughes | June 18, 2021
The Biden administration is expanding an Obama-era program to allow not only parents, but now legal guardians to petition to fly illegal alien…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 1, 2016
Recent government data shows that more than two-thirds of the aliens the Obama administration has brought to the United States under the president's…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 29, 2016
The Obama administration has expanded its already-questionable program to bring in more illegal alien children to the United States, announcing in a…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 26, 2016
The United States has received more than 9,500 applications from foreigners seeking to bring their illegal alien children to the U.S. under President…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 2, 2016
The number of Central American children the federal government has intentionally brought to the United States under the president's newly launched…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 18, 2016
One of President Obama's most controversial amnesty programs has delivered its first batch of illegal alien children to U.S. shores. Unilaterally…