
Brittany M. Hughes | October 14, 2020
It appears the Merriam-Webster Dictionary actually changed their definition of the word “preference” to include an “offensive” label next to the…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 10, 2020
It’s the kind of story that echoes citations of postmodernist linguistic maneuvering in the decades-long battle over the politicization of…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 18, 2019
Looks like they've gone and done it, now. And by "they," I mean them.  No, no. Not multiple people. Just one. One person of the gender-non-…
ola olugbemi | December 12, 2017
Merriam-Webster just revealed that the word “feminism” was the most searched word of the year, and people had opinions. I think talk about…