enumerated powers
The “border battles” between the government of Texas, the Biden Administration, and the various levels of the federal court system this week have…
Albert Einstein often receives credit for observing, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
It’s been a long time since collectivists unjustly attempted to portray the idea of federalism and “state rights” as synonymous with racism in…
In a perfect example of legal hedging, the members of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) today ruled 6-3 in favor of plaintiffs in “West…
Here’s a mouthful: On May 27 a three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals decided two-to-one to grant an injunctive halt on Joe…
Among his many important and timeless observations, one of 19th Century economist and political philosopher Frederic Bastiat’s best is, “The…
In a move most leftist “news” media sites appear to have overlooked during the recent “Coronavirus Emergency Funding” battle between President Trump…
The Supreme Court of the United States opened its spectacular new session by hearing a case so absurd, many people might wonder why it’s a matter for…