Gloria Steinem
Chelsea Clinton Slams Kanye West For 'His Treatment of Women' – And Conveniently Forgets Her Own Dad
In a perfect – and perfectly infuriating -- example of journalistic myopathy and memory loss, People Magazine on August 23 published a brief reality-…
A few weeks ago, I did a piece and a video covering the BBC’s “memory-hole-ing” of one of the most hilarious episodes of England’s top comedy series…
“Hanoi Jane” is back at it, implementing her usual radically Left rhetoric in front of a bunch of people that automatically agree with her. Oh, she’s…
Elle reports that at Monday's Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Awards, honoree Gloria Steinem hit virtually ever virtue-signaling…
Steinem on Medal of Freedom Award: It Will Be ‘Honoring the Work of Margaret Sanger’- See more at:…
Steinem appeared with Joy Behar to celebrate the the 50th annivesary of