Gold Star families
In a disgusting example of how vicious the left can be, Sara Haines, a co-host for ABC’s The View lashed out at the Gold Star families who posed with…
9:23 PM
JOY REID: What I am hearing and the anger that I am hearing that's coming from them, is that to the…
JEN PSAKI: The most intere-- and you touched on this and went over it, and this is the thing that stuck out to me so much about today is this sort of…
What some may see as a sign of disrespect to current President Joe Biden is really a sign that Biden isn’t as widely respected as the establishment…
Thanks for coming back and checking out the latest edition of Things That Need To Be Said, the show so apparently dangerous the Big Tech…
Despite the media and politicians doing everything they can to keep us divided, there are still people in the world who - no matter the circumstances…
Last Saturday, dozens of Gold Star children – the kids of fallen service members – boarded a Florida-bound airplane headed for Disney World on a free…
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.
Instead of being responsible in this sad dispute concerning the death of Sgt. La David Johnson,…
If there's a place lower than the bottom of the barrel, Florida Democratic Congresswomen Frederica Wilson just found it.
It all started when an…