Hollywood Communistic Cult
The great thing about free speech is that you can say pretty much anything you want to say with very few exceptions, which were created by people who…
Imagine being so woke you can’t recognize your own ignorance. That is the case for the majority of the Hollywood Communistic Cult, including self-…
Sometimes if you want to create change that will actually improve things for whatever situation you find yourself in, you have to go out and do it…
Thanks for checking out my latest commentary video!
It seems as though there are so many things that are negatively impacting the U.S. The…
Ugh, Hollywood. At this point, they’ve become so disconnected with the real world and the average person that their “activism” should really just be…
Look, I'm not trying to crap all over the sentiment from some in Hollywood calling for unity during a time like this. Some of them may genuinely want…
Let’s be completely upfront and honest — China sucks. The people who were unfortunate enough to be born there are prisoners to a communist government…
The Hollywood Communistic Cult was out in full force Sunday night, and as usual they just couldn’t “resist” spreading their venom towards anything or…
It’s apparently all or nothing for Hollywood Communistic Cult. You either fall in lockstep with the Socialism that some of them bring from their…
Actors. They think what they have to say holds more weight than the rest of us, just because they may have, at one time, made a decent movie. News…
Another member of the Hollywood Communistic Cult heard from. It’s like these “Hollywood stars” are intentionally trying to ruin my childhood, except…
The Hollywood Communistic Cult won’t be happy until they get their way and President Trump isn’t sitting in the Oval Office anymore, by any means…