In a surprising turn of events, Thursday's CBS Mornings covered the growing issue of the housing market, especially in swing states, and an economic…
A new poll from USA Today found that the majority of Millennials and Gen Zers say the American Dream is no longer “attainable.” But they’re…
We can really just chalk up this next story to California being California in the most California way.
Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom gave…
Here’s a new story that, at first blush, appears to be merely another reminder of what we already know: government is involuntary, inefficient,…
Billy wants to take a bite out of the Big Apple's private property with the force of government action. "We will seize their buildings," he says…
Ahh, the double-standards of many politicians lurking in the backwaters of Seattle, Washington.
In May, I reported on a group of property owners…
Army Capt. Nick Vogt does not stand for the National Anthem.
But then, he can’t. Vogt lost both legs in 2011 in Afghanistan.
Now Vogt is getting…
In a recent report, 24/7 Wall St. came out with a list of the 50 worst American cities to live in based on a massive data review.
As reported by USA…
On Tuesday, August 23, the US “Justice” Department embarked on yet another of its brazenly Orwellian sorties against a group of businesses its…
Former Fed chair points blame at GSEs for financial crisis on April 7, 2010
With the housing market still struggling, Good Morning America encourages struggling homeowners to consider walking away from "underwater" homes,…
"Nightly News" reporter Lisa Myers laments the pain the foreclosure victims feel. Little is felt for the mortgage companies as Myers says, "lenders…