Leonardo DiCaprio
Friends don’t let friends have their oil supply sabotaged by smug Hollywood elites. That’s why Canadians should be warned not to allow celebrity…
Congressional Democrats have flown off to a climate change conference in Spain this week where they’ll discuss why air travel is bad for the planet…
Actor and “environmentalist” Leonardo DiCaprio was forced to respond on Saturday after Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro accused the “Gangs of New…
(Headline Image: Screenshot/Instagram/@leonardodicaprio)
I guess when you've lived in the Hollywood bubble your entire adult life, you tend to…
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio took shots at President Donald Trump and “climate change deniers” at the 2019 Global Citizen’s Festival in New York on…
Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page invited a slew of global elite to a climate change summit at a posh resort in Italy. It was only fitting…
“The Bandit” is gone. Legendary actor Burt Reynolds died on Thursday at the age of 82.
The longtime actor passed away Thursday morning at Jupiter…
Activist, actress and comedienne Chelsea Handler is a moron. You know that. I know that. But, since when is it okay for any person - let alone…
Climate change alarmists always like to say that “the science is settled” when it comes to their cause, but when the time comes for a real,…
In between waxing poetic about the coming climate apocalypse and exchanging no less than two dozen self-congratulatory praises for being such an…
(Image via Twitter)
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio teamed up with President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday to rally against climate change.…