In a world where politicians count on many Americans – especially the US media – having short memories, the Biden Administration must be very…
Superficial pop media deflection when it comes to Joe Biden’s son being appointed to Burisma, Ukraine’s largest energy corporation, whether then-Vice…
Halloween 2017 has come and gone, but not only has the day shown people engaging in the time-tested practice of voluntary charity that CBS anger-…
The internet is abuzz this week with new revelations about the towering edifice of hypocrisy and left-wing censorship being built by the…
“This is a shameful chapter – I’m ashamed of my country, I’m ashamed of my president and I’m ashamed of myself that I haven’t done more to help…
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) broke ranks with Senate Republicans and supported release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture…
McCain Dismisses Syrian Rebels Being Bad Guys, Says Syria 'is a Nation Who Would Reject [Jihadists]'
Remember Sen. John McCain? The guy who handed the election to Obama? After remaining pretty low key in the Senate, he's back in
the spotlight for…
Arizona senator and former GOP Presidential candidate John McCain speaks to Erica Hill about his meeting with President Obama to discuss, among other…
Former McCain campaign aide on Sarah Palin.
Sherrif Arpaio slams McCain - supports JD Hayworth