Morning After Pill

Stephanie Hamill | April 3, 2023
ABC’s "Grey’s Anatomy," season 19 is back on the air following a mid-season break with their favorite, same old pro-abortion themes.  You would…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 29, 2022
In a series of actions that helps shed light on journalistic bias even as it clarifies the meaning of the term “contraception” and the illegitimacy…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 10, 2022
In a sad addition to an even sadder tragedy, a group of abortion advocates Saturday gathered outside the Starr County, TX, Sheriff’s Office to…
Jeffdunetz | November 6, 2015
The Little Sisters of the Poor are finally going to have their day in court---Supreme Court!  On Friday, the nation's highest court said it will hear…
MRCTVone | June 12, 2013
The Obama Administration has recently decided not to challenge a judge's ruling that girls of any age can buy the morning after pill (also known as…
kyoder | September 25, 2012
New York City Department of Education offers the morning-after pill to high school girls enrolled in public school. (h/t AssociatedPress)