
Brittany M. Hughes | March 6, 2023
Walmart announced over the weekend the company is closing its last two remaining locations in Portland, Oregon thanks to the skyrocketing amount of…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 16, 2022
Ahh, democracy. Mob rule. Or, as Ben Franklin is said to have noted, “two wolves and a lamb voting over what to have for lunch...” Aristotle warned…
Nick Kangadis | November 8, 2022
As most of us know after the last six, seven years or so, Portland, Oregon is a far-left paradise — if you believe a paradise is a place where…
Nick Kangadis | August 30, 2022
At this point, can we consider Portland, Oregon a failed city? It doesn’t matter who the politicians or people in charge are, because no matter who…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 30, 2022
Many Americans recently heard that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on August 25 issued its edict prohibiting the sale of internal-…
Alex Christy | May 14, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] When the March for Life takes place every year, it is a time for media to lament attacks on “abortion rights.” When pro-…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 6, 2022
What happens when Cultural Marxism prompts generations to discard individualism and mutual respect, and to, instead, lift the false idol of “group…
Nick Kangadis | January 10, 2022
If it looks, smells and sounds like Antifa, it must be Antifa…allegedly. A man supposedly targeting a rally in which people were protesting the…
Gabriel Hays | December 9, 2021
Governor Kate Brown (D-OR) really prioritizes COVID safety in her home state. She’s so concerned about the pandemic that at one point earlier this…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 16, 2021
As a jury debates the fate of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who stands accused of felony homicide after shooting three and killing two…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 29, 2021
Evidently ignorant – or dismissive – of the meaning of “shall not be infringed” the government of Oregon Saturday put into effect a new rights-…
Gabriel Hays | August 25, 2021
The authoritarian left has complete control over Oregon. Of course that's been clear since Antifa made themselves permanent and beloved citizens…