PCR test
Within the cornucopia of notable occurrences at Thursday’s Biden-Trump “debate”, there was one nutritious mental meal that many pop media…
There appears to have been something prophetic about last week’s report on Senator James Lankford (R-OK) confronting Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen…
In a move that some might celebrate with relief, or cries of vindication, or some other, perhaps unmentionable, emotional expression, the U.S. CDC…
Ya know how pretty much everybody, even the frustrating tax-sponges at the CDC, finally are admitting that naturally acquired immunity to COVID19…
Sometimes, it’s easy to surmise cause and effect.
Like when the government subsidizes medical centers to list as deaths “FROM COVID19” the…
On January 11, Newsweek’s Emma Nolan reported that the professional wrestler, actor, and philanthropist Hulk Hogan (real name, Terry Gene Bollea)…
According to the Biden administration, it's better to employ a vaccinated-yet-COVID-positive nurse who's currently experiencing symptoms to attend…
In a dramatic turn of events similar to what many non-political Americans have experienced during the COVID lockdown-jab-mandate madness, Republicans…
Remember those heady days when your leftist teachers pretended to be “free speech” advocates, even as they shut down liberty-minded dissent in…
With more intensity than ever, CNN is pushing the unconstitutional totalitarian tyranny of mandated jabs for all people on U.S. soil – that’s over…
Operant Conditioning.
That’s the term that behavioral psychologist Burrhus Frederic (BF) Skinner popularized in the 20thCentury, following on the…
It’s not enough for puritanical, anti-constitutional politicians and their bureaucrat acolytes in the COVID Cult to engage in fear-porn pantomime.…