Phil Murphy
Remember when New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) appeared on Fox News in April of 2020 and almost seemed to laugh at Tucker Carlson’s curiosity…
Contrary to White House backpedaling, documents now reveal what many Americans suspected: Joe Biden and his Constitution-defying Consumer Product…
Hey! If you’re looking for a way to kill time while politicians work to kill your neighbor’s rights, then the new, not-numbered bill being…
Imagine you are the protagonist of a detective story, the kind that sees you standing above heaps of dirty coffee mugs, and before a wall chock-…
Evidently prepared to jump ahead of NJ Governor Phil Murphy (D), NY Governor Kathy Hochul (D - New York’s replacement for infamous former state Chief…
A new confluence of shocking government and corporate action has exposed what appears to be the darkest threat to US freedom of speech and the press…
Ahh, gaslighting.
It’s the standard operating procedure of government. From its foundational gangster line of, “We’re here to protect you and your…
Around the world, people who believe in freedom of association are rising to rally for their rights, encouraged, in no small measure, by hundreds…
Many left-wing “economists” shower the term “natural monopoly” on their students when describing its exact opposite: a government-granted or…
As if his callous disregard for his oath to abide by the US and NJ constitutions were not enough, NJ governor Phil Murphy is pushing hard not only to…
In a dramatic turn of events similar to what many non-political Americans have experienced during the COVID lockdown-jab-mandate madness, Republicans…
It sure seems as if NJ Governor Phil Murphy (D) hasn’t learned from his embarrassing April display on international television telling Tucker Carlson…