Take a wild guess…
To which of the wonderful political parties do these Hawaii state politicians that don't like the Second Amendment as it…
It was about a month ago that Seattle’s City Council voted unanimously to tax businesses on how many employees they have, but now the “head tax” is…
Last year Gov. Jerry Brown (D) argued California needed a 12 cent increase in the gas tax and higher vehicle registration fees. It was all part…
Ugh…Joe Biden.
A name that would make even the most accepting of people cringe. Whether the former vice president is creepily lurking behind someone…
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Democrats were not celebrating after the failure of the so-called “skinny repeal” bill proposed by Republicans, but…
Passionate debate on the health care measure is to be expected, but is replacing Obamacare really comparable to a Russian “act of war”?
Clearly it…
“This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for. It is a missed opportunity and a step in the wrong direction,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)…
Fish stories abound in politics. Office holders and those who aspire to make their living off wealth redistribution and legal extortion have a…
(Image via Twitter)
On “The Factor” Wednesday night, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly discussed what Americans can expect of Donald Trump’s first week…
“Now is the time for Republicans to come together in unity to stand as one, to stand for principal and to say, ‘we will honor the trust you have…
Republican strategist John Brabender said Sunday on MSNBC's "Melissa Harris-Perry" show that President Barack Obama is "the only person really trying…