Russia probe

Nick Kangadis | November 22, 2019
I gotta give CNN credit on this one. They may not have liked the news, but they still reported it. Heck, they even admitted that news like this could…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | August 19, 2019
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is predicting Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigation into the handling of the…
Monica Sanchez | March 27, 2019
President Trump in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity said he “absolutely” has plans to “declassify and release” the Foreign Intelligence…
Monica Sanchez | March 27, 2019
Despite the liberal media meltdown over the Mueller report, a majority of Americans are content with the findings of the Special Counsel…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 26, 2019
In an attempt to deflect from heavy criticism surrounding the media’s humiliating streak of spreading myths and lies, CNN President Jeff Zucker…
Monica Sanchez | March 25, 2019
CNN contributor and former Republican National Committee (RNC) chief of staff Mike Shields in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Sunday…
Monica Sanchez | August 13, 2018
President Trump took to Twitter on Monday to respond to the news of disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok’s firing. “Agent Peter Strzok was just fired…
Patrick Hauf | August 13, 2018
FBI agent Peter Strzok has been fired by the bureau following investigations into his anti-Trump texts while in the FBI, Strzok’s lawyer Aitan…
Monica Sanchez | March 12, 2018
The House Intelligence Committee has decided to end its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, finding no evidence of…
ola olugbemi | November 2, 2017
We now know what “Reinhold Niebuhr,” better known as former FBI director James Comey, meant when he stated, “Gotta get back to writing” in a late…
Bryan Michalek | July 28, 2017
This week Republican Senator Lindsey Graham left a warning for the president, vowing, "If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay"…