Sean Penn
He’s been given everything he has, but nothing can compare to his latest gift.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was loaned one of actor/…
If one of the most flaming anti-American libs says the lack of masculinity in society is a problem, you know we may have a huge civilization-ending…
Over the years, infamous lefty star Sean Penn has shown a lot of love for brutal dictators, but his hatred for our 45th president reached new levels…
I absolutely never thought I’d agree with a man who professed his love for a Socialist dictator. But I agree with at least one thing he's said.…
It is with a heavy heart that one reports on the inevitable consequence of collectivism, because, since collectivism is predicated on state…
Reporter and Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera said that he would have done an interview with notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" …
My fervent wish is that Penn repeats the "bailing out the leaking boat with a coffee cup" scene from New Orleans.
Left-wing actor Sean Penn slimed the Tea Party as motivated by racism, charging on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday evening (October 14) that an…
When speaking in Washington about the status of re-building Haiti one year after its devastating earthquake, Academy award-winning actor Sean Penn…
Leftist actor Sean Penn appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live on Monday night to discuss Haiti, and he tried hard not to talk big-picture politics. He…