
Nick Kangadis | April 15, 2024
Based on the above X post you might be asking, 'What did someone do that Christians apparently had enough?' How about a young man stabbing a bishop…
John Romero | August 8, 2019
With the definition of a mass shooting being four or more people being shot, the events that just occurred in two different Orange County, Cali.…
Nick Kangadis | January 30, 2019
When your country’s justice system becomes afraid of convicting actual criminals for fear of social justice repercussions, don’t be surprised when…
Caleb Tolin | July 27, 2018
(Mohammad Tareq Yousef) Mohammad Tareq Yousef, 17, went on a rampage Thursday night after crossing out of Kobar, the settlement where he lived in…
Nick Kangadis | March 28, 2018
Is this a case of the Hollywood cult protecting its deep, dark secrets, or is this simply a random act of violence that might not have happened at…
Lianne Hikind | July 28, 2017
(Image source: Twitter) A knife-wielding assailant killed one person and injured four others in a supermarket in Hamburg, Germany on Friday. The…