Texas Constitution

P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 3, 2024
  Years-old, fully grown normalcy bias is a tricky animal, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D) latest smorgasbord of socialist sobriquets…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 7, 2023
    Yet another fight for freedom of speech within the so-called “Ivory Tower” is in the news, and it hints that sometimes the most prominent…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 15, 2022
Judge David Counts, of the U.S. Federal District Court of Western Texas, Pecos Division, in a monumental ruling not only found in favor of the right…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 25, 2021
A new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by Bentley University economist Dhaval Dave and two co-authors concludes that there has…